Promises: basics

In my previous article, I introduced the concept of promise, a technique that allows us to write async code in a more sync-ish manner. In this article and the following ones I will try to dive into the definition and expectancies of a promise. So what is a promise? A promise represents the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. This […]

How to debug PInvoke-ed C++ DLL from .NET code

If you’ve tried debugging a C++ DLL and could not make Visual Studio to load the debug symbols for that DLL (you kept getting the “The breakpoint will not currently be hit” message), here is something useful I find out on this stackoverflow post: make sure to uncheck the “Enable Just My Code” Visual Studio setting. You […]

Setters in Cocoa

Which of the three setters is better: [objc gutter=”false”] – (void)setName:(NSString*)value{ if(value != name){ [name release]; name = [value retain]; } } – (void)setName:(NSString*)value{ id old = name; name = [value retain]; [old release]; } – (void)setName:(NSString*)value{ [name autorelease]; name = [value retain]; } [/objc] Personally I’d use the third variant, but I’m open to […]

PHP: mysqli and 64bit numbers – a real pain in the ass

Due to some unfortunate bugs on my project I recently discovered a terrific problem with mysqli and 64bit numbers: no matter you have a 64bit OS and php is compiled for x64, mysqli will truncate the to 32bit any 64bit number when calling the mysqli_stmt::bind_param() method. Due to this  and the fact that I was using […]

PHP: don’t use time() or microtime() to measure execution time

As Thomas Habets posted on it’s blog ( gettimeofday() and time() should only be used to get the current time if the current wall-clock time is actually what you want. They should never be used to measure time or schedule an event X time into the future. And because the time() and microtime() function relies on gettimeofday(), those […]

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